
Monday, May 24, 2010

Say WHAT?!

1: Who said the following line- "Tall women have very short memories"?
A) Morgan
B) Chuck
C) Devon
D) Jeff

2: Who said the following line- "Man, if I wanted to take tests, I would've been a boat captain"?
A) Lester
B) Jeff
C) Big Mike
D) Emmett

3: Who said the following line- "Art, good! Commercialism, bad! Evil! Weird! Chubby!"?
A) Casey
B) Morgan
C) Lester
D) Skip

4: Who said the following line- "Those two gab like little school girls in the field. It's murder on the ears"?
A) Devon
B) Morgan
C) Sarah
D) Casey

5: Who said the following line- "I need to ask you a favor, and feel free to say no, and by that I mean say no!"?
A) Chuck
B) Sarah
C) Ellie
D) Devon

Answers: 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D, 5-A


  1. Hah! These are awesome x3 I like that you're doing this.

  2. Thank you so much :))) glad you liked it!
    more is coming on Monday :)))
