
Monday, May 31, 2010

Know your "Chuck"

1: Casey would prefer which of the following over being included in "an evening of Morgan"?
A) Having Afghani war- lords bleed him from his liver
B) Being stationed in the Khyber Pass for 6 months
C) "Jeffster!" performance at the Buy More
D) Having to listen to Chuck and Morgan as they discuss which sandwich will survive tropical climate best

2: The most important things in life, according to Big Mike are what?
A) Family and friends
B) The Buy More and Subway
C) Love and Trust
D) Fishing and Danish

3: In what year did Ellie and Morgan established the no- touch policy?
A) 1994
B) 2001
C) 1998
D) 2003

4: Loretta is..
A) Lester's mom
B) Emmett's girlfriend
C) Moses Finkelstein's wife
D) Jeff's van

5: Sarah's favorite ice- cream is..
A) Rocky Road
B) Chunky Monkey
C) Banana Split
D) Vanilla

6: According to Devon's dad, Devon was never into..
A) Sports
B) Traveling
C) Nicknames
D) Medicine

7: Who tells Chuck the truth about Sarah and Bryce?
A) Sarah
B) Casey
C) Bryce
D) Carina

8: How much money does Chuck have in his decorating budget?
A) 20$
B) 25$
C) 15$
D) 10$

9: Chuck had a really bad date in which grade?
A) 10th
B) 12th
C) 11th
D) 13th

10: Big Mike and Bolonia met through which of the following websites?
A) Fool's Paradise
B) Dates R Us
C) McLovin
D) Cupid Ain't Stupid

Answers: 1- A, 2- D, 3- C, 4- D, 5- A, 6- C, 7- D, 8- B, 9- C, 10- D


  1. Love the trivia! (And so do all my friends at schoool, even though they're too shy to post a comment and say so.) Keep it coming!

  2. Thanks so much for doing this! Its gonna keep me busy while waiting all summer for season 4. Love it so far. Anyway thanks again!

  3. you (and your friends..LOL) are more than welcome! I mean, that's the whole reason I'm doing this for- to help both me and other fans, to pass the time until "Chuck" comes back :))))
    thank you for your support and awesome comments :)
    and no need being shy here- the more I know what fans like, the better this blog will be :) so thank you once again :)))
